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Taiwan new graphene composites significantly enhance LED life expectancy

2016/5/13      view:
Taiwan researchers have prepared a new type of graphene composite materials, can effectively reduce the LED temperature, and thus greatly improve the life of LED.

Light emitting diode (LED) is quickly swept the world, known for high brightness, low power consumption, durable advantages, in many applications replaced the incandescent lamp and fluorescent lamp. However, few people know, although the LED will not radiate heat, but it will in the semiconductor junction to generate heat, thereby shortening the LED life, even low power LED will too. With the demand for more power of LED lamp, how to control the temperature has become a big challenge.

At present, researchers in Taiwan have developed a real alternative to the thick, hard aluminum radiator. The research team claims that the use of polyamide (PA) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) to prepare the heat sink, so that the LED lamp can be more effective heat dissipation.

Researchers using titanate coupling agent (TCA) as the reduction of graphene oxide and polyamide molecular bridge, made of dense nanocomposites than the thermal conductivity of the polymer alone improved 53%. They tested two different components of the material (a mere polyamide, another is polyamide / titanate graphene composite), the two materials are applied to the LED, and analyzed using thermal imaging and thermocouple.

Polyamide / titanate graphene material has a higher equilibrium temperature, suggesting that the material than polyamide material heat transfer rate is faster. The researchers tested the durability of the composites, and the results showed that the high temperature during the continuous use of the connection made the performance of LED decreased. The results show that the composite retains its intensity 95%, and each material retained only 69% polyamide.

In fact, the research team has developed a thermoplastic material that is comparable to the thermal properties of the more expensive graphene, and can be used in injection molding process, and the shape of the product is easy to control. The material is helpful to the preparation of low cost, light weight, flexible LED heat sink, and also improves the service life of LED.

The results of the study have been published in Carbon.